EPR Club | Eco-emballages Lunch Debate

From 08 December 2016 13:30 until 08 December 2016 17:00

At ACR offices, Avenue d'Auderghem 63, 1040 Brussels

Posted by Debora Paolini (ACR+)

Categories: ACR+ Events


In the context of a Resource Efficient Europe, increasing the reuse and recycling of materials is considered a high priority for realising the vision of a circular economy within the EU. The European Commission’s recent revision of the EU waste legislation includes proposals for higher targets for the recycling of different waste streams and materials. It specifically includes significantly higher recycling targets for plastic packaging waste, as compared to the existing ones (45% by 2020 and 60% by 2025).

Achieving these new targets would require considerable expansion in the recycling of plastic waste in EU-28. This implies a rethinking and redesign of already existing models for collecting packaging waste.

This EPR Club lunch debate, hosted by Eco-Emballages, will focus on possible transformation paths allowing the recovery of more plastic packaging from households. It will also shed light on the impacts such transformation will have on separate collection schemes and on the different actors involved in the process (local authorities, producers, PROs, citizens..).


8 December 2016, 12:30 - 16:00
ACR+ offices, Avenue d'Auderghem 63, 1040 Brussels (View location)

The programme for the event will be available soon.


This is an EPR Club event only open for EPR Club members (including ACR+ members). You can register to this event by sending an email to info@eprclub.eu, including your full name, organisation, function, and the event name.

Please note that seating is limited. A basic lunch will be provided.

If you are interested in discovering the EPR Club events and activities, please visit the EPR Club website.

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