Logo EPR Club resized for ACR WebThe EPR Club consits of a combination of Interactive web-based activities and networking events allowing the exchange of information and views.

The web-based platform will mainly consist of:

• Background information on the EPR-related topics + position papers of EPR Club Members

• Online forums focused on specific questions

• Virtual library and working space allowing to share information and positions

• Regular webinars (monthly) with possibility of interactive debate




The work on the “virtual” platform will be completed by physical meetings: 

  • 2 main EPR Club events with the involvement of EPR Club members or external partners:

• 1x Launch Event in Brussels on 4th June 2012

• 1x Event sponsored by interested and relevant stakeholders on specific theme/topic in September 2012

  •  Annual EPR Club Conference in January 2013

Some of those topics will be debated at EPR CLUB level:

• Competition under EPR schemes

• Common principles for EPR in Europe

• EPR schemes and plastics recycling/recovery or EPR schemes to fight against marine litter• Waste shipments and free riders

• Role and objectives of EPR vs other economic and legal instruments

• The relations between public and private sectors, and the specific place of municipalities

• Performances benchmarks for specific EPR in Europe

• The need for a differentiated approach for municipal and non-municipal waste

• EPR for biowaste

• Healthcare EPR schemes

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