On 27 June, ACR+ will:

  • Participate in the Waste Symposium organised by the association of supporting local actors in terms of territorial waste management (AMORCE) in Paris, to talk about the European overview of organic waste collection schemes. The event aims to establish sustainable and efficient waste separation practices within the public service for waste management. Consult the full program here.
  • Share its views on keeping textile waste prevention at the core of local policies during the roundtable entitled “AMBITION TO ACTION: FROM TEXTILE WASTE TO FUTURE RESOURCE” taking place during Global Fashion Summit 2023. Full program of the GLobal Fashion Summit is available here.

You can also meet us in Brussels on 29 June at the Close the glass loop annual event 2023 "Paving the Way to 90", marking the first in-person gathering of glass collection and recycling professionals since the launch of Close the Glass Loop initiative in June 2020. The event aims to reinforce the collective commitment to achieving a 90% glass collection rate for recycling across the EU by 2030. You can register here.

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