Following the visit of an EU delegation in Iran on circular economy in February 2017 and as part of a larger Memorandum of Understanding between the Iranian authorities and the European Commission, a two-day workshop on waste management was held on 25 and 26 November 2017 in Tehran with the help of European Environmental Bureau.

On the invitation of the European Commission, ACR+ was part of the European experts' team together with, ACR+ members OVAM and Suez.

The overall objective of the workshop was to exchange (best) practices on waste management and open to possible longer term collaboration/transfer of knowledge & technologies between Iran and EU. More than 25 Iranian participants attended the workshop, including representatives of different Iranian ministers, researchers and Iranian economic actors involved in waste management.  At the end of the workshop, a list of possible priorities, including waste streams/policy instrument/technologies, for a future EU-Iran collaboration was proposed to the Iranian authorities.

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