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The IMPACTPapeRec project gathered more than 50 professionals from across Europe to debate the ways to increase separate paper collection in the EU during a conference in Barcelona on 24 January 2017.

A mapping of the current waste management systems in Europe was presented at the conference. It revealed major differences in challenges between countries with a well-established recycling system and those where such a system is still being implemented. In addition, citizen awareness and motivation was a recurring topic throughout the event.

Recycling, efficiency of payment systems and incentives to encourage recycling, as well as the sensitive issue of informal paper collection outside officially-established waste management systems.

In addition, the partners, including ACR+, presented some of the identified best practices, which will undergo a deeper analysis during the months to come. Participants also actively participated in a world-café format informative meeting, sharing their views on critical issues such as standardisation and policymaking developments.

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