ACR+ members ARC and la Fundacion ENT contributed to the recently published ‘Methodology for the environmental management of Construction and Demolition waste in Latin American cities’. The objective of the project was to establish a base for the implementation of a waste management programme in the area of Bogota and consisted of technical advice and the implementation of the programme ‘Escombros Cero’ (Zero Debris).

The project includes a proposal which mentions: the size and design of treatment plants for the debris foreseen in the Plan, training sessions on monitoring mechanisms for the region, control and monitoring of the Plan, the organisation of technical visits to debris treatment plants located in Barcelona, training regarding technical and administrative recommendations for the public tenders for the plants and finally the technical assistance with regards to economic and fiscal mechanisms that can contribute to the implementation of the Plan. 

Read the guide in full here (In Spanish).

Source: (In Spanish)


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