A Municipal Council for Waste Prevention and Recycling has been constituted by the municipality of Gijón, as an advisory and consultative body for waste management related issues, in accordance with the waste hierarchy. The aim is to channel and favour the participation if citizens, associations and other relevant stakeholders involved in the protection of environment and public health and working for a better sustainability in the municipality. The Council will be composed of 25 members, amongst others of representatives of political parties, trade union organisations, business organisations, civil society and citizens of Gijón, environmental associations, as well as representatives of municipal services and waste operator (ACR+ Member EMULSA).

The first meeting will take place on 24 November 2016 and will be focused (in addition to the formal constitution of the Council) on the draft Waste management plan and on analyses of the Container Burial Plan.

Source: http://cuidadoambiental.gijon.es

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