The transition we want for the future we need! Circular cities and regions that deliver for people

From 18 June 2024 09:30 until 19 June 2024 17:30



ACR+ 30th General Assembly and LIFE IP Smart Waste project closing seminar

 We know that circular economy answers to the environmental challenges threatening our planet and future. Yet, its potential still needs to be unlocked. At the heart of the transition, cities and regions are called to drive their environmental policies towards sustainable consumption and production models, respecting the planet boundaries and ensuring everyone’s basic needs.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the network and the end of the LIFE IP SMART WASTE project, ACR+ and its member the French Region SUD reflected on the role of public authorities and the tools at their disposal to accelerate the transition to a just, sufficient, and circular society. Participants of this unique seminar in Marseille discussed ACR+’s vision for circular cities and regions and its strategy by 2030. They met and exchange with ACR+ members, Janez Potočnik, and a wide array of experts representing the European institutions, civil society, academia, and private sector.



📍 Our host, Region SUD, secured one of the best venues in town: the MUCEM!

🎤 Experts' insight on how to enable a just, sufficient, and circular transition

🚀 Discussion around our strategy for 2030 and the directions to be taken by the network to support you in your green ambitions

🗳️ Election of the new ACR+ Board of Directors and President (ACR+ members only)

👏 Celebration of award-winning actions preventing waste in Europe and Mediterranean region

🌟 Insight into how Region Sud is transforming itself into a zero waste region by developing territorial dynamics to implement and reinforce the efficiency of its environmental public policies

🚲 Visits to a a local Inclusive and Cooperative Service Hub or a Biodegradable food waste micro-methanisation plant in situ (ACR+ members only)

👀 Information on innovative solutions to achieve zero waste in the Mediterranean

📸 Winning pictures of the first ACR+ Photo Contest





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View all the pictures from the event here.


Download the programme.

TIP! Visit the exhibition on the LIFE IP SMART WASTE project and of the ACR+ Photo Contest throughout the conference at the MUCEM forum.



Speakers GA

Discover more about our speakers.



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In parallel to the ACR+ General Assembly, the Interreg Euro-MED Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission Thematic Community Project organised two days of interactive sessions and networking between organisations working for a more sustainable Mediterranean region. It gave participants the opportunity to meet and learn from over 14 projects linked to the macro-thematic of blue and green circular economies, smart specialisation implementation, and business models.

On 18 June, the Interreg Euro-MED Innovative Sustainable Economy (ISE) Mission Community of Practice has been launched. On 19 June, the first edition of the MED Innovation Day, a dynamic event that will enhance the vision of a desirable sustainable Mediterranean, has been celebrated.



Representatives of the E-VOICE project joined the events in Marseille. Around 40 people coming from the city of Gazzo (Italy), the Province of Padua (Italy), the city of Šibenik (Croatia), the city of Mioveni (Romania), and members of Ubbsla - Union of Municipalities on the Black Sea (Bulgaria), FAMSI - Fundo Andaluz de Municipios para la solidaridad internacional (Spain) and ALDA - Association Europeenne pour la Demoicratie locale (France) have joined the event in Marseille. The E-VOICE project is reflecting on the impact of the COVID-19 to build resilient communities across Europe. The project targets young people, educational authorities, local governments, and families. Read more about the project and take part on their survey on the involvement of citizens, particularly young people, on post-Covid-19 decision-making processes.


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This event has been co-funded by the European Union.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


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