As part of the PPI4waste project, a series of national training workshops are organised to help building capacity in public procurement of innovation and show how this can be applied within the municipal waste sector. The first workshop held in January 2017 in Croatiawith ACR+ Member, Zagreb Municipality, will be followed by other events in Germany, Spain and Sweden in the coming months.
The training material used during the workshops is available online. It includes six modules: the first two modules introduce the PPI4waste project and identify key areas where innovation is needed within the waste sector in Europe. Module 3 provides an overview of public procurement of innovation more generally, including key definitions, methodologies and approaches. With the following modules the course moves on to provide more detailed insights into the case of a PPI for bulky waste in Ireland, and the application of performance based contracts. Finally, a series of useful resources are provided to help procurers build on the training they have received.
ACR+ will implement in April 2017 a webinar on public procurement for circular economy, covering in particular this issue of public procurement of innovation.
The webinar is open only for ACR+ members.
In addition to the training material, users of the PPI4Waste website will find online the latest reports published by the project consortium:
• PPI4Waste Report on agreeing common needs
• PPI4Waste Report on targeted improvements
• PPI4Waste State of the Art report
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