AMIU Genova 80pxACR+ member AMIU continues to spread the culture of reuse and circular economy with a new collaboration with Legambiente Liguria. This time the protagonist will be the web app Refresh, created within the European project Force in recent months, and which aims to bring together in its circuit the many commercial and non-commercial realities that have made the world of reuse, recycling and upcycling their strong point.

Free of charge, easy to use and to update for those who sign up, the Refresh web app provides the Genoese with the many addresses of reuse centres in the city. They are all involved in putting furniture, clothes for adults and children, books, electronic devices and food back into circulation, thus preventing them from becoming waste. In February Legambiente Liguria produced 4 video stories to show the advantages of reuse and the realities of some re-users.

Source: (in Italian)

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