Ayuntamiento de madrid 80px

ACR+ member Madrid has completed the installation of 48 vegetable oil containers located on public roads and markets out of the total of 578 that will be deployed throughout the city. The vegetable oil containers will encourage an increase in selective collection and, therefore, the recovery of such a polluting waste. Madrid is committed to recycling and the circular economy through its Madrid 360 Environmental Sustainability Strategy and in the coming months will continue the implementation of the remaining 530 containers in municipal facilities and 200 neighbourhood communities.

Until now oil could be deposited in the civic amenity sites, where 178,604 litres were collected in 2019, reaching a figure of 233,738 litres in 2020 and, therefore, an increase of 30.8 %. These figures will continue to increase with the installation of the new containers.

Source: www.madrid.es (in Spanish)


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