On January 25 2016, Brussels Environment officially launched the 5-year ‘Good Food’ strategy which was further promoted at a conference on February 3 that was attended by 300 stakeholders from the Brussels-Capital Region. The high turnout alone shows that the relevant actors are ready to facilitate and promote this new strategy. Inclusion of all the Brussels population, exemplarity of public bodies, partnership with local stakeholders, autonomisation and behaviour change are some of the driving principles of the Good Food strategy.
The strategy includes ambitious objectives, amongst which to increase local production to provide 30% of fruits and vegetables by 2035 and to achieve a 30% reduction in food waste by 2020. These objectives are to be realised via several actions according to 7 key axes.
The 7 axes of the strategy are; production, supply, demand, good food culture, food waste, innovation and governance. Within production, the aim is to foster more local food production which in a city such as Brussels is complex due to it being a large city with a high population density and few agricultural areas. By promoting urban and peri-urban agriculture, the strategy is to facilitate a new food system for the region which will have less of an impact, be more sustainable and encourage community led agricultural practices. The supply axis wants to target canteens, prioritising public and school establishments, and implement a weekly vegetarian day and sustainability criteria within public markets. Demand wants to focus on both citizens and youth, with the main objective being to educate and inform about sustainable food practices.
The ‘Good Food Culture’ aims to advertise the possibility of good food without a big budget, advocating for accessibility to good food for all. Food waste, is also a key focus of the strategy, with the objective of a 30% reduction by 2020, the introduction of initiatives like the ‘rest-o-pack’ which is to be launched in February 2016, and re-distribution of unsold products. Innovation has also been singled out, with a priority being put on fostering the investigation of technologies and social strategies as well as the replication of best practices. The final axis, governance encompasses the need for cooperation between actors, as well as adequate testing and follow-ups of implemented strategies in order to ensure highest possible success levels.
To read more about the Good Food Strategy: www.environnement.brussels
The strategy includes ambitious objectives, amongst which to increase local production to provide 30% of fruits and vegetables by 2035 and to achieve a 30% reduction in food waste by 2020. These objectives are to be realised via several actions according to 7 key axes.
The 7 axes of the strategy are; production, supply, demand, good food culture, food waste, innovation and governance. Within production, the aim is to foster more local food production which in a city such as Brussels is complex due to it being a large city with a high population density and few agricultural areas. By promoting urban and peri-urban agriculture, the strategy is to facilitate a new food system for the region which will have less of an impact, be more sustainable and encourage community led agricultural practices. The supply axis wants to target canteens, prioritising public and school establishments, and implement a weekly vegetarian day and sustainability criteria within public markets. Demand wants to focus on both citizens and youth, with the main objective being to educate and inform about sustainable food practices.
The ‘Good Food Culture’ aims to advertise the possibility of good food without a big budget, advocating for accessibility to good food for all. Food waste, is also a key focus of the strategy, with the objective of a 30% reduction by 2020, the introduction of initiatives like the ‘rest-o-pack’ which is to be launched in February 2016, and re-distribution of unsold products. Innovation has also been singled out, with a priority being put on fostering the investigation of technologies and social strategies as well as the replication of best practices. The final axis, governance encompasses the need for cooperation between actors, as well as adequate testing and follow-ups of implemented strategies in order to ensure highest possible success levels.
To read more about the Good Food Strategy: www.environnement.brussels