Zero Waste Scotland 80px

Manufacturing is identified as a key sector with the greatest opportunity to deliver circular economy benefits for Scotland in the Scottish Government’s Making Things Last strategy. As such manufacturing is a key target sector for ACR+ member Zero Waste Scotland’s Circular Economy Investment Fund.

Grant funding of up to £1million is now available to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Scotland’s manufacturing sectors from this fund. The £18million fund, administered by Zero Waste Scotland, offers investment for SMEs based in Scotland and supports work that will deliver circular economy growth. It is backed by funds from the Scottish Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Zero Waste Scotland also offers expert one-to-one support to manufacturing businesses through its Circular Economy Business Support Service, which can support manufacturing companies to consider new business models such as transforming from a retail to a service model.

The Circular Economy Investment Fund is open to applications from manufacturing projects which encourage:

  • Collaborative business models, e.g. business hubs for shared equipment;
  • 3-D printing/additive manufacturing processes to enable local repair services and create self-sufficiency;
  • Designing and manufacturing of modular products for easy maintenance and repair;
  • Replacing products with services, and developing new, circular services.

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