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Key actions businesses should take to help curb the situation of plastic packaging polluting the environment have been laid out by ACR+ member WRAP in The UK Plastics Pact Roadmap to 2025, published on 15 November 2018. The actions relate to a series of important milestones aligned with the targets of The UK Plastics Pact, the world’s first programme to tackle the issue of plastic waste through collaboration across the entire supply chain; with the UK acting as a testbed for a planned network of country-specific, global Plastics Pacts.

The UK Plastics Pact Roadmap to 2025 provides a framework for all businesses to deliver the ambitious targets. The Roadmap is a guide for businesses and others to know what actions need to be taken, by when, and outlines some of the key challenges that will need to be overcome. It has been designed by WRAP as a living document that will evolve over time, reflecting changes in policy and innovations. The Roadmap also includes commentary on the complementary roles of Government and citizens to ensure the UK moves towards a circular economy for plastics.

The outcomes of the Roadmap will help reduce confusion as to whether packaging is recyclable; if the targets are achieved all plastic packaging will be recyclable or compostable by 2025. The roadmap also sets interim targets for increasing recycling and recycled content. Achieving this will require investment in the UK recycling infrastructure and would be expected to generate new jobs, while easing the pressure of plastic waste exportation. WRAP has set three key milestones dates: April 2019, the end of 2022 and finally by 2025.

Source: www.wrap.org.uk

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