2017 03 06 07

In the latest issue of Resource Recycling, Clarissa Morawski, Managing Director of ACR+ member Reloop Platform, discusses incineration and its place in a world where a transition to a circular economy is happening.
Reacting on the debate around the notion of burning municipal solid waste to create power, she asserts that “in a world where the economics of energy are undergoing significant change, the concept of using waste as a power source may be becoming outdated”.
Clarissa Morawski underlines the shifting tone among EU leaders, in particular the European Commmission which urged caution over energy from waste investiment in its Communication on the role of waste-to-energy in the circular economy. This communication is analysed by Reloop’s Managing Director who concludes that energy from waste is a risky investment as this system “locks you into supplying a fixed amount of waste for a very long period” at a time when the fuel itself is uncertain and nature of waste is evolving.
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