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507 tonnes collected in 1 week!
For one week, Solid'R participants encouraged the public to give their unused clothing and weighed the collectionon on a daily basis. More than 507 tonnes were collected thanks to the 3500 collection points in Wallonia and Brussels (via the network of bubbles and stores labeled Solid'R).

Besides the great collection of clothes, the RESOURCES network organized various activities such as exhibitions of customized textile collection bubbles (Namur and Brussels), workshops of textile recycling, Special Recycling Christmas markets, "Let's play the game of reuse" action and a collection of hardware in collaboration with the ULB. A total of 18 actions.

The collection service is available throughout the year, donations are possible at any time. Every year in Belgium, 10 kg of clothing per habitant are eliminated. The network of collection points can recover 50% of the deposit, more than 23,000 tons per year in Wallonia and Brussels. 

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