Presentation of Green & Social Hub - European Social Fund+ 2022
The Green & Social Hub project, financed by the European Social Fund 2022 (Social innovation for an equitable green and digital transition), aims at tackling social inequalities in the green and digital transition, through the adoption of local policies aimed at tackling the different dimensions of poverty (energy, economic, social, educational poverty) in an integrated manner. G&S HUB is realised by an articulated public and private partnership, composed of ALI - Autonomie Locali Italiane (lead partner), Leganet, STUDIO COME, ACR+ and Federconsumatori Lazio; participants and beneficiaries of the project are the Municipalities of Avezzano (AQ), Bassiano (LT) and Crispiano (TA).
G&S Hub intends to promote paths of participation and knowledge sharing towards sustainable energy consumption models through the inclusion and active participation of the most vulnerable segments of the population: disadvantaged families, migrants, the elderly and young NEETs. Specifically, G&S Hub aims to raise the awareness and skills of local administrators and social professionals about the connection between social inequalities and energy poverty; to accompany 150 people selected among the most vulnerable segments of the local population in accessing energy services, adopting measures to fight poverty in all its forms; to relocate and increase the skills of 20 young NEETs in green and digital transition; to activate and involve at least 30 MPMIs in green and digital transition; to promote the development of Renewable Energy Communities (RECs).
The project started on 1 September 2023 and will end on 31 August 2025. The operational phase began in February and will be described in more detail during the event. In particular, the following will be described:
- Actions and tools for communicating and publicising the Hubs;
- Procedures and tools for the selection of 20 NEETs to be placed in the Hubs of the Municipalities;
- Tools and methodologies of the action research to be carried out in the 3 partner Municipalities aimed at detecting the characteristics and needs of the most vulnerable segments of the population and at identifying innovative solutions to combat poverty.
11:00 - Opening session
11:15 - G&S HUB: presentation of the project | Valerio Lucciarini Secretary General ALI
11:30 - Strategic support to local authorities for the management of HUBs and the creation of territorial networks | Alessandro Broccatelli President Leganet
11:45 - Setting up and promoting the HUB in the territory: presentation of kits for setting up and communication | Alessandro Paglia ALI Project Manager
12:00 - Energy poverty in the 3 municipalities: objectives, tools and timing of action research | Patrizia Di Santo STUDIO COME
12:15 - Comparison with good practices and exchange of experiences at national and European level | Francesco Lembo and Luigi Acquaviva ACR+
12.30 - Conclusion