To share the voice of its members and more broadly of local authorities pursuing sustainable resource management, ACR+ replied to the consultation organised by the European Commission on its New Circular Economy Action Plan, aiming to increase recycling and reuse of products in the EU. This new action plan will analyse the lifecycle of products and materials to ensure sustainable use of resources and tackle resource-intensive sectors (e.g. textiles, construction, electronics and plastics). In total, 374 contributions were sent from a wide range of organisations. They are all available online.
ACR+ main recommendations and observations were:

  • Public authorities have a key role to play in the transition to a circular economy as regulator and facilitator;
  • A strong and ambitious sustainable products policy should be put in place, without forgetting that sustainable products should be affordable to all and that fiscal instruments should be progressive;
  • Binding and urgent targets should be set, like mandatory minimum recycled content to incentivize secondary raw materials markets.

You can read our full feedback here.

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