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The international conference “Circular Economy in practice: Rethinking our production and consumption models” organised by ACR+ member Brussels Environment, in collaboration with ACR+, took place on 11 May 2016. This conference was inspired by the Brussels Region’s ‘Circular Economy Regional Program’ (Programme Régional en Economie Circulaire – PREC) and the adoption of the new Circular Economy Package by the European Commission. The conference focused on circular business models, the sharing economy, and on the reuse and repair sector. New initiatives explained their activities helping to change consumption patterns, and discussed enabling and hindering factors.

Within Brussels Region’s PREC, a new circular program is being developed that aims to transform these environmental challenges into economic opportunities, including job creation and waste reduction. New production and consumption models are necessary in order to address the current environmental challenges related to social, economic and health issues. Many of the social enterprises that attended the conference from throughout Europe embodied this mentality. Theses social enterprises included repairing assistance, joint borrowing enterprises and reuse/resell initiatives.

All presentations, pictures as well as a short summary will soon be available online.


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