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ACR+ member Nantes Métropole will hold the Assises Nationales des Déchets (National Forum on Waste Management), on 27 and 28 September 2017.

The programme of the two-day conference is as follows. On the first day the emphasis will be placed on concrete actions. It will start with a survey of the waste management situation, under the guidance of the Ministries. It will be followed by 3 series of 3 technical workshops, with a focus on experience feedbacks, exchanges among players and debates. The topics of the first series will entail the modernization of the waste sorting centres, the impact of new technologies and putting an end to bad practices. ACR+ will be speaking regarding this last topic, presenting in particular the latest developments of the Life Smart Waste project about waste crime. The second one will be dedicated to the new role of the Regions, energy valorisation of waste as well as the French PER challenged by Europe. Last session will focus on plastic waste, building and civil work waste and bio-waste.

On the second day two plenary sessions will be held. The morning session will be dedicated to the strategic articulation between the French valorisation model and the European directives. While the afternoon session will be the opportunity to hear major witnesses discuss the protection of oceans against waste pollution. Lastly, there will be a conclusion delivered by a representative of the Ministry of the Environment.

The innovation will be the guiding thread of the 14th Assises. The first day, nine project carriers selected from all over France shall introduce their innovations and on the second day, the "best cases" of 3 categories selected by the public will receive an award.


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