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Recent years have seen an acceleration of the triple environmental crisis we are facing. We urgently need to put the sustainable management of material resources at the top of the political agenda and at the heart of our actions. With this mind and on the occasion of its 30th anniversary, ACR+ is offering a new vision for circular cities and regions, accompanying it with a strategy towards 2030. The goal is to inspire cities and regions to drive their environmental policies towards sustainable consumption and production models, respecting the planet boundaries and ensuring everyone’s basic needs.

This new strategy is ACR+ call to action for a just, sufficient, and circular transition.


ACR+ vision for circular cities and regions

Vibrant cities and regions where the eco-nomic and the eco-logical systems go hand in hand, through policies aimed at a fair distribution of wealth and resources, a fair access to public services, while guaranteeing positive effects on the environment and public health.

Three principles are for us essential and non-negotiable to enact the transition towards waste-free circular systems:

  • No green ambitions will be achieved without circular economy
  • The transition we need is a just transition driven by the sufficiency principle
  • Cities and regions are at the heart of sustainability action



Making the vision a reality: our mission

Our mission is to provide our members with concrete tools and approaches to enact the transition towards waste-free circular systems in their territories and beyond.

  • ACR+ is at the service of its members
  • ACR+ is the voice of decentralised authorities
  • ACR+ is a gateway to technical data


Our objectives for 2030

By 2030, ACR+ intends to be the go-to source of information and resources for decentralised authorities wishing to achieve and accelerate a just transition to a circular economy.

For that, we have the set the following concrete objectives to reach in cooperation with ACR+ members:

  • Support the adoption of a EU material resources law: by 2030, we want to see the adoption of an EU material resources law covering biomass, fossil fuels, minerals and metals.
  • Push each ACR+ member to develop a circular economy strategy: by 2030, we want 50% of the (relevant) ACR+ members to have adopted a circular economy strategy and the other half to be working in this direction.
  • Break all the "silos: by 2030, we will instigate more partnerships with other key actors/sectors, develop the network in other geographical areas, and support our members in better connecting their own services, fostering cooperation across departments.



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To mark its 30th anniversary, ACR+ launched a photo contest, on the theme "Capturing Circularities in Cities and Regions". 

The contest invited participants to submit photographs that creatively depict and communicate the essence, influence and evolution of the circular economy within their respective territories over the past three decades.


The three photos with the highest votes from the jury are:


Women in Circularity

By Maak & Transmettre (BE) 


Sustainable Sunday in the city

By Cristina Arregui (BE)


Disposable can be Reusable

By Daniela De Bono (MT)

With the collaboration of Brussels Environment, Maak & Transmettre showcases in their photo the Textile Lab in Brussels, run by women, winners of the 2021 edition of the circular economy contest.

     The photographer behind this image seeks to encapsulate the joy of city life on a radiant spring day, where the simple act of exploring shops that embrace reusable containers becomes an enriching experience.            In this image, we confront the common practice of discarding single-use bags once they become soiled. However, the photograph aims to challenge this mindset by illustrating an alternative approach: washing and reusing these bags, just like their reusable counterparts.

Here are the nine finalist photos of the contest:

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Metal colours

by Marcel van Meesche (BE)



Fiber hemp isolation

By Dennis Sieperda (NL)



Cycling gets the circular economy moving

By Philippe Colas (FR)

In this photograph, a vibrant collection of cans unfolds before the viewer, each with its own unique story and distinctive color.



In the image, a hemp fibre insulation blanket is unfurled, revealing its natural texture and characteristic earthy colour. The scene captures the essence of an ecological and efficient solution for sustainable construction.



The volunteers of Vélo Utile are portrayed as they collect forgotten bicycles from basements and garages. The repairable ones undergo restoration and are then distributed to individuals from modest backgrounds, offering them autonomy and a mode of transportation. This initiative breathes new life into hundreds of parts that would otherwise be destined for oblivion, giving them a meaningful second chance.







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Book sharing

By Maria Pantelogiannis (BE)



Mowing fiber hemp in Fryslân

By Dennis Sieperda (NL)



Mussels byssus

by Jean-Michel Buf (FR)

The Book Boxes of Brussels are mini free libraries where books find a second life. Citizens can freely take a book they like and put in one they don’t need any more, so that someone else can enjoy it.



In this captivating scene, we witness the meticulous process of harvesting fiber hemp, a vital step in creating insulation for eco-friendly homes.



The mussels byssus, a bioresource for circular economy in Pays de la Loire area. These natural threads, produced by mussels, not only add afascinating texture to the image but alsorepresent a valuable bioresource for thecircular economy in the region.








Transforming empty bottles into drinking glasses: A step towards waste reduction

By Simone Signoretta (TN)



Grow your own food

by Nuno Barros (PT)


Reusing clothes

By Maria Pantelogiannis (BE)

The photographer behind this image seeks to encapsulate the joy of city life on a radiant spring day, where the simple act of exploring shops that embrace reusable containers becomes an enriching experience.



The LIPOR Urban Kitchen Gardens project allows city residents to have a space to grow their own food. At the same time, it promotes composting and the circularity of organic matter by taking food waste, composting it, and using it to enrich the soil and produce more food.

    A young woman shopping in a thrift store in the centre of Brussels. Thrift stores prolong the life of clothes, reducing waste and playing an important role in the circular economy.


The 12 highest-scoring photos and winners of the contest were exhibited in Marseille during the ACR+ General Assembly on 18 and 19 June. Moreover, the three highest scoring photos were rewarded with a subscription to National Geographic magazineFollowing this, the winning photos will travel across Europe, being showcased at the offices of some of our members. 

Jury and selection process

The judges looked for a creative, engaging, and inspiring submission. The entries were judged based on the following criteria:

  • Composition (visual appeal, uniqueness, and creativity)
  • Image quality
  • Relevance to theme
  • Overall impression/impact

Jury members:

  • Françoise BonnetACR+ Secretary General
  • Iain GullandACR+ president and CEO of Zero Waste Scotland
  • Sophie Reille, professional photographer


Thanks to all participants for joining us in capturing the spirit of the circular economy and marking three decades of progress towards sustainable resource management!



built envHow a city is built can have a massive impact on environment and climate change effects. The topic of built environment is key in the framework of a circular transition. Adopting circular solutions and strategies on built environment can produce benefits in terms of reduction of GHGs emissions, land use, energy consumption and even on the level of happiness of citizens.

 This topic within the ACR+ Thematic area is strictly related to sectors such as urban planning and design, architecture, referring to buildings, public spaces and infrastructures, and, in general, construction and demolition value chains. Public authorities can play a key role in promoting and supporting circularity in the built environment by implementing policies and actions that:

  • Make secondary materials competitively priced through green taxes
  • Promote standardisation of secondary raw materials at national level
  • Facilitate selective demolition, renovation, retrofitting, and materials’ reuse
  • Support research on and implementation of circular construction solutions (such as Nature Based Solutions) 


Share with us your good practice supporting the integration of circular economy in construction contracts. ACR+ is currently looking for experiences to share with the INERTWASTE project partners and stakeholders from 9 to 10 October 2024. More here.

Work in progress

ACR+ is currently working on this area through:

  • Inertwaste: an Interreg Europe project that aims to valorise inert waste from industrial and construction processes and extend their life cycle. The project is based on the exchange of European regional experiences and the discussion of ideas for resolving current policy challenges. ACR+ is involved in the project as a partner under the lead of its member the Navarre region.

This Thematic Area was presented at the ACR+ General Assembly 2024. Check a summary of the event here and the presentation of the TA here.

Have a look at

Interested in the topic? You can have a look at the following resources:

  • Pilot Actions of the ProCirc project: a project that demonstrates circular procurement opportunities in the construction sector, with a focus on different types of buildings such as temporary structures, reused office buildings, social housing, public administration office buildings.
  • Sustainable construction guidelines for public authorities: a document that provides guidance on how to encourage circularity and material resources efficiency in the construction sector. The guidelines focus on circularity instead of covering only energy efficiency extensively, and go beyond waste to integrate the whole value chain of the construction sector.

Relevant projects and initiatives

INERTWASTE Logo1WES MED 80px ProCirc RGB 02 A colour  RE4 small APRICOD logo campaignSOILL Start up

If you want to get involved with our work on the Thematic Area or you have any questions please contact Serena Lisai (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).



SOILL Start up

SOILL-Startup project aims support the implementation of the Horizon Europe ‘A Mission Soil Deal for Europe’. SOILL-Startup will set up and run an effective one-stop-shop to coordinate, support, enlarge and promote the network of 100 Soil Mission Living Labs and Lighthouses to lead the transition towards healthy soils across Europe by 2030.

Project financed by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme of the European Union, 2024 - 2025.


More information:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Agnese Boccalon




 Picture2This Thematic Area is about connecting the dots of circularity on your territory by making citizens, consumers, and producers care and be involved to boost a local sustainable consumption and production. From supporting stakeholders to instigate new models based on maximising the potential of resources and designing out of waste to using a wide array of drivers such as tourism, sport and cultural events to steer a green transition, this thematic area encompasses a wide diversity of initiatives and projects. Define your role as a game changer to speed up the transition while maintaining a holistic approach balancing economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability, and social inclusion.

Initiatives and projects that contribute to this area and portfolio want to examine behaviour, assess consumption patterns and challenge the status quo and provoke behavioural change. A cross-sectoral cooperation is needed in order to allow them to do so.


Work in progress

ACR+ latest involvement was in capacity building activities among SMEs in the sector. Similar baseline scenario and behaviour assessment as well as complex screening and mapping exercises were carried out in the field of sports and event management in general. ACR+ is now combining all the acquired intelligence and its expertise to help public authorities tapping into this area to reinforce the implementation of their strategies among the less-obvious industries and occurrences on their territories.project is based on the exchange of European regional experiences and the discussion of ideas for resolving current policy challenges. ACR+ is involved in the project as a partner under the lead of its member the Navarre region.

This Thematic Area was presented at the ACR+ General Assembly 2024. Check a summary of the event here.

Have a look at

Interested in the topic? You can have a look at the following resources:

Relevant projects and initiatives

INERTWASTE Logo1  TACKLE small  IMG 4510  Picture3 

MINEV Logo          GSH logo couleur   ACCES A Logo   tourisme project

If you want to get involved with our work on the Thematic Area or you have any questions please contact Ernest Kovács (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


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