
Good practices, exchange opportunities and needs' analysis at the 2nd Meet Up
04 February 2025
Built Environment, ACR+ News

The second online meet-up of the Built Environment thematic area took place at the end of January, focusing on two key topics: public procurement for construction projects and circular construction materials. Participants got to know two practices related to this, namely the story of Kamp C, a provincial centre for sustainability and innovation in Westerlo (Belgium) and the redevelopment of an industrial site into a material bank by Cireco in Nokia (Finland). An exercise followed to identify specific needs for the implementation of similar practices at local and regional level. Inputs are still welcomed for members of the group. One of the next events will be a transnational learning journey (TLJ) organised by the INERTWASTE project on 20-21 May in Guldborgsund (Denmark). It will focus on “Local public authority and policies as driver for green transition in industrial and construction sector and future skills and knowledge”. ACR+ members are invited to participate (travel costs can be covered by the project), presenting a good practice related to the topic of the event.
If you would like to join the Built Environment, read the minutes of the meeting or know more about the INERTWASTE TLJ, contact Serena Lisai (