The Hague has launched its own climate agreement aimed at significantly reducing CO2 emissions and fostering a healthy and green city. The city aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2030, requiring collaboration and co-creation among all stakeholders. The Hague Climate Agreement brings these parties together to enhance each other's climate initiatives across five key areas, including the circular economy. 
The city aims to reduce the consumption of new resources and minimise waste generation. Local reuse of resources reduces transportation emissions, contributing to CO2 emission reductions in production and transportation. The goal is to encourage sharing, reuse, repair, and upgrading of items, giving waste a second life where possible, preferably within The Hague itself and in a socially responsible manner. The Hague aspires to achieve a circular economy by 2030, aiming for at least 50% circularity. This means using half as many new resources and generating half as much waste by minimising waste during production and consumption. This goal is ambitious, considering that in 2020, less than 15% of materials in the Dutch economy were reused. 
Source: (in Dutch) 

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