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ACR+ member the Catalan Waste Agency (ARC) has presented the report on municipal waste management in the Alt Pirineu and Aran region for the year 2022. Out of the total municipal waste generated in this area, 40.5% was selectively collected last year, specifically 118 988 tonnes. This represents a 0.8% increase compared to 2021 and indicates the stabilisation of the selective collection rate. However, the data still show that over half of the municipal waste generated is not selectively collected. The 27 858 tonnes of mixed waste collected account for 59.5% of the total generated, marking a 5.8% increase from the previous year. All four main categories of separate collection have increased compared to the previous year. Glass has seen the largest increase at 12.1%, followed by paper and cardboard at 4.0%, and lightweight packaging at 2.2%. On the other hand, organic waste has decreased by 3.3%. 
According to the director of ARC, the current selective collection systems in the area have reached their limit, and what is needed is a shift towards efficient selective collection systems, such as door-to-door collection or closed containers with user identification.  
Source: (in Catalan)








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