Vitrus Ambiente 80px

Vitrus Ambiente is responsible for waste collection in approximately 80% of Guimarães territory, progressively contributing to the implementation of good practices among citizens in collaboration with the Guimarães City Council. According to a recent study by Deco Proteste, Guimarães is the most advanced municipality in Portugal in the collection of organic waste and in the implementation of systems where consumers only pay for the waste they produce (PAYT). The Guimarães City Council created a waste fee that will benefit those who separate organic waste or compost it at the source. This process is being implemented progressively, with an increase of around 700% in the collection of organic waste in Guimarães during 2023. Vitrus collected more than six thousand tonnes of organic waste as a result of expanding the door-to-door collection process in the city's parishes.  
Source: (in Portuguese) 

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