The website for the PPI4Waste project has just been released. All the relevant information about the project and its progress are available on this website.

The project Promotion of Public Procurement of Innovation for Resource Efficiency and Waste Treatment (PPI4Waste) aims to foster innovation in material resource management, waste prevention, reuse and recycling through innovative procurement strategies. It also aims to support contracting authorities in undertaking procurement actions in the waste sector, with the goal of integrating waste prevention in public procurement of innovation (PPI).

The project explores mechanisms through which barriers to innovation and innovation procurement can be overcome, including activities such as:
  • Identification of common needs within the public sector
  • Creation of an interest group and purchasing community
  • Public-private collaboration through market consultation
  • Capacity-building workshops to reinforce knowledge on PPI procedures
  • Dynamic case studies to prepare coordinated procurement of eco-innovative solutions

As for its partnership, a total of 8 partners from 5 European countries take part in PPI4Waste, gathering experts in both waste treatment and public procurement of innovation. This includes: the Andalusian Institute of Technology, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, Zagreb City Holding, the University of Zaragoza, ACR+, Mancomunidad del Sur, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. Moreover, a group of experts at European level is being created in order to help guarantee the quality of the project's outcomes.

The PPI4Waste website is a platform to spread the word about PPI and the project progress. It will provide details about the project objectives, partners and results, in particular technical reports through a virtual library. The website will also promote the Interest Group and the Purchasing Community and interaction within and between those groups.

In addition, a newsletter will be disseminated once a semester. If you are interested in receiving news and updates about the PPI4Waste project, we kindly invite you to subscribe to the newsletter by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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