ACR+ is proud to announce the launch of the Circular Europe Network (CEN) website and database of good practices on circular economy:
The website features a comprehensive database of best practices on circular economy from cities and regions, available in full to ACR+ members. These factsheets are accessible via an interactive map on the homepage of the website. In particular, some of the factsheets offer an overview of general circular economy strategies and governance at both local and regional levels. Users can also browse using different criteria – Instruments, Business models and Resources - and as such can access a wide range of concrete cases, for instance product service systems in Brussels, waste prevention in Catalonia or industrial symbiosis in Kalundborg.
The database capitalises on the 20 years of expertise ACR+ brings to the network and its involvement in many projects related to resource efficiency and circular economy. The database already includes about sixty cases and will be updated on a regular basis.
Upon navigating through the site, users will also have access to reports and publications. For example, the CEN general guidelines on circular economy strategies by local and regional authorities published by ACR+ last May. The website is organised so as to provide quick and direct access for all users to information about the network and its activities, along with the possibility of viewing a summary of all available factsheets.
The Circular Europe Network is an ACR+ initiative to support local and regional authorities in being ambitious on circular economy. It gathers ACR+ members committed to improve their resource strategies and strengthen the sustainable development of their territory. The CEN builds on the expertise of European front runners within the ACR+ network in order to gather, analyse and exchange information on efficient circular economy strategies implemented by cities and regions.

Find out more on the Circular Europe Network.

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