Food waste in Navarrese households decreased by 6.2% over the past year, although 36 525 tonnes of food still ended up in the trash. These statistics were unveiled at an informative conference hosted by the Food Bank of Navarra and presented by the Office for the Prevention of Waste and the Circular Economy of the ACR+ member Government of Navarra, under coordination of the Department of Rural Development and the Environment. The Director General for the Environment emphasised the significance of the Agenda Against Food Waste in Navarra 2022-2027, which was approved by the Government of Navarra last year, emphasising that it serves as a "powerful tool" for reducing such waste. Additionally, data from the Food Bank of Navarra revealed that it serves nearly 9 000 families in Navarra and has prevented the waste of 2 572 tonnes of food annually.
Source: (in Spanish)











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